New York for ever ......

Bienvenue sur mon blog de New York

J'ai commencé ce blog avec mon 13 ème séjour dans "la Grosse Pomme" à Noël 2008.

Enjoy the pictures

samedi 1 janvier 2011

Times Square counts down to 2011

Every year as the clock nears midnight on December 31st, the eyes of the world turn once more to the dazzling lights and bustling energy of Times Square. Anticipation runs high. New Year's Eve at the symbolic center of New York City has become more than just a celebration - it's a global tradition. The world holds its breath...and cheers as the clocks strike twelve.

As the famous New Year's Eve Ball descends from the flagpole atop One Times Square, an estimated one million people in Times Square, millions nationwide and over a billion watching throughout the world are united in bidding a collective farewell to the departing year, and expressing our joy and hope for the year ahead.

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…


Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


Claudette Marion a dit…

Here is the link to You Tube

I hope it works fo you


Claudette Marion a dit…

I've posted another video. Enjoy it :)
